Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Birthday Dog!

Today is Indy's FIRST BIRTHDAY!!!

It's crazy how much he has chenged since we brought him home.

This is Indy on his first night in our house. He was a very sleepy sweet puppy. Everyone thought that he was sick but our vet assures us he was perfectly healthy and lazy. WOO HOO!

Here is Indy this past fall. Still growing into his ears. Still sleepy, short bursts of energy between long snuggle sessions and naps galore.

This is a more recent picture. He's grown into his ears mostly. Still naps a lot. He is a very different dog then Clark. Where Clark prefers catch, Indy naps. Clark loves stuffed toys, Indy likes rubber toys. Clark likes filled bones, Indy loves chewing on rawhide knots.

Today Indy & Clark celebrated Indy's birthday with a Frosty Paws Ice Cream! Then Indy got a HUGE bone to chew on and a new Gumby rubber toy. Clark already knows Gumby's name and will be happy to retreive it if asked. Indy will be napping.
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