Saturday, December 26, 2009

Happy Holidays!

I hope everyone had a nice bunch of holidays!

It's been a blur of friends, family and food around here... as it should be! I think we have enough Christmas cookies and candy to last quite a while. My last three meals have been leftover lasagna. The fun continues this week with more visits from out of town friends.

The dogs had a blast with Christmas gifts the Chiltons sent up from PA. They were bouncing off the walls yesterday morning. Literally running back ond fourth like kindergarteners on pixie sticks. Like most brothers they fight over one toy, ignoring the others laying within reach. Right now it's a red stuffed bone that looks like Santa. Yesterday it was a blue football on a rope. Indy "the destroyer" has already torn a tennis ball into three parts... Clark can't wait for the ice in the backyard to melt so that he can try out his new Frisbee. Thank you Chiltons!

Sunday, December 20, 2009