Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Winter vacation is winding down. I'm pretty sure Clark and Indy either think I've lost my job, or this is the longest weekend EVER! Either way I think they are enjoying the leisurely mornings. Since it has been so cold outside, we all have a little trouble moving in the morning. Today we slept in... until 7:30!
I primed a "test wall" in the kitchen on Monday. Just to see if the primer would cover the textured paint the previous owners had used. Luckily the primer covered the paint well, but Indy seemed irritated by the smell. And so, we may just have one primed wall until either I can't stand looking at it anymore, or it's warm enough to send the dogs outside while I paint.
I primed a "test wall" in the kitchen on Monday. Just to see if the primer would cover the textured paint the previous owners had used. Luckily the primer covered the paint well, but Indy seemed irritated by the smell. And so, we may just have one primed wall until either I can't stand looking at it anymore, or it's warm enough to send the dogs outside while I paint.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Happy Holidays!
I hope everyone had a nice bunch of holidays!
It's been a blur of friends, family and food around here... as it should be! I think we have enough Christmas cookies and candy to last quite a while. My last three meals have been leftover lasagna. The fun continues this week with more visits from out of town friends.
The dogs had a blast with Christmas gifts the Chiltons sent up from PA. They were bouncing off the walls yesterday morning. Literally running back ond fourth like kindergarteners on pixie sticks. Like most brothers they fight over one toy, ignoring the others laying within reach. Right now it's a red stuffed bone that looks like Santa. Yesterday it was a blue football on a rope. Indy "the destroyer" has already torn a tennis ball into three parts... Clark can't wait for the ice in the backyard to melt so that he can try out his new Frisbee. Thank you Chiltons!
It's been a blur of friends, family and food around here... as it should be! I think we have enough Christmas cookies and candy to last quite a while. My last three meals have been leftover lasagna. The fun continues this week with more visits from out of town friends.
The dogs had a blast with Christmas gifts the Chiltons sent up from PA. They were bouncing off the walls yesterday morning. Literally running back ond fourth like kindergarteners on pixie sticks. Like most brothers they fight over one toy, ignoring the others laying within reach. Right now it's a red stuffed bone that looks like Santa. Yesterday it was a blue football on a rope. Indy "the destroyer" has already torn a tennis ball into three parts... Clark can't wait for the ice in the backyard to melt so that he can try out his new Frisbee. Thank you Chiltons!
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Saturday, August 29, 2009
I'm feeling the guilt about not updating... This whole thing started to get me to take more pictures. Even just pictures of my dog. Which then turned into the dog and cats. And now two dogs and cats. With the camera on the 'disabled list' taking pictures has been tough.
Clark and Indy are both alive and well. Indy has only had ONE "in crate accident" since his birthday. The Vet had told us he was underdeveloped, and so can't hold his bladder as long as a regular dog his age. But, we don't know how far behind he really is. It's hard to tell if he's still got puppy brains (and bladder), or if he's just being a jerk.
Indy and Clark took a trip to the beach this summer. Which they both seemed to enjoy. They got to run around off leash. Indy would not go in the water, but Clark went right in this time. Maybe a little too much too fast for Clark though, he threw up salt water in Chris' car on the way home... oops!
I'll try to be better about updating. Or thinking to update...
Clark and Indy are both alive and well. Indy has only had ONE "in crate accident" since his birthday. The Vet had told us he was underdeveloped, and so can't hold his bladder as long as a regular dog his age. But, we don't know how far behind he really is. It's hard to tell if he's still got puppy brains (and bladder), or if he's just being a jerk.
Indy and Clark took a trip to the beach this summer. Which they both seemed to enjoy. They got to run around off leash. Indy would not go in the water, but Clark went right in this time. Maybe a little too much too fast for Clark though, he threw up salt water in Chris' car on the way home... oops!
I'll try to be better about updating. Or thinking to update...
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Birthday Dog!
Today is Indy's FIRST BIRTHDAY!!!
It's crazy how much he has chenged since we brought him home.

This is Indy on his first night in our house. He was a very sleepy sweet puppy. Everyone thought that he was sick but our vet assures us he was perfectly healthy and lazy. WOO HOO!
It's crazy how much he has chenged since we brought him home.
This is Indy on his first night in our house. He was a very sleepy sweet puppy. Everyone thought that he was sick but our vet assures us he was perfectly healthy and lazy. WOO HOO!
Here is Indy this past fall. Still growing into his ears. Still sleepy, short bursts of energy between long snuggle sessions and naps galore.
This is a more recent picture. He's grown into his ears mostly. Still naps a lot. He is a very different dog then Clark. Where Clark prefers catch, Indy naps. Clark loves stuffed toys, Indy likes rubber toys. Clark likes filled bones, Indy loves chewing on rawhide knots.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Where HAVE we been?
Please excuse us for our absence as we have been busy... or lazy...
June 24th we celebrated Clark's SECOND birthday! I don't know if it's because he's drepressed about getting old, or just plain old and lazy now but he has been VERY cuddly since he turned two.
We celebrated his birthday with a morning walk in the rain, lots of treats and game after game of catch. The Saturday following his birthday Emma helped make him special birthday dog cookies. Emma chose to make the apple basil treats. Clark was so excited! And he shared the cookies with his friends!
Clark is getting older but no more brave. Last night around 2:15 am Clark pushed open the baby gate to hop into bed upstairs. Something he's never done before. He was trembling in fear of the thunder and lightening outside. I let him stay until the storm calmed down a bit. But then it was back downstairs to his own bed where he stayed for the rest of the night.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Monday, June 15, 2009
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
This morning at approximatly 6:15AM the above pictured Clark Kent launched himself clear over a fence and into the perfectly manicured hedges of some unsuspecting neighbors. In his pre-coffee haze he must have thought the pristine green flat surface was a lawn and decided to try it out (a few of our neighbors have retaining walls that he jumps on all the time). Much to his surprise (and mine) he then quickly sank into, and got stuck in, the hedge. THAT woke us both up! I then had to fish my now soaking wet Border Collie out of the hedge and back over the fence. We were able to quickly flee the area undetected (as far as we know). I spent the rest of the walk picking little sticks and leaves out of his fur.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Indy was "fixed" last Friday. To make a long story short, or To make a long story a list:
*Chris dropped Indy off at the vet on his way to work Friday
*Got a call from the vet that Indy's mouth is underdeveloped due to complications he had as a puppy.
*Decided to also have a tooth extracted and a piece of skin removed from his gums. (both of which should not have been there)
*I left work early to pick Indy up at the vet.
*I brought Indy home and then felt guilty and went out and bought him a new bed.
*Indy sleeps a lot. Isn't allowed to eat or drink.
*At 7 PM Indy is allowed to eat ice cubes.
*Indy throws up.
*lots more sleeping.
*Indy sleeps in his crate while I take Clark for a walk with Jen, Emma and Ethan.
*Indy's medicine upsets his stomach... which upsets a few of my senses....
*Indy managed to remove his stitches over night!
*We wait for Chris to wake up.
*We wash the windows, make pasta sauce, do laundry...
*We take a trip to OSVC.
*Indy gets 6 staples and a new cone.
*Indy hates his cone mopes all afternoon.
*Crashes into everything he walks by.
*Lauren re-arranges the furniture to accommodate Indy's new cone.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
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