Friday, March 7, 2008

Oops! Cat Friday!

My days are all screwed up after missing work and being sick. I totally forgot that today was Friday and I ALMOST missed Cat Friday again. Here is a rare Mojo/Pippen combo shot.

Are they are looking in seperate directions:

a) Because they are pretending they aren't near each other.
b) Because they have teamed up and are keeping a lookout for Clark.
c) Both a & b.
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Still Down with the Sickness

I asked Clark to make me some soup. But he thought I said I wanted to go outside and play Frisbee... Just a small miscommunication.
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Thursday, March 6, 2008

Sick Day

A sick day for Lauren is a boring day for Clark... sorry little guy.
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Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Forgivable Clark

Please forgive me. I know I did something wrong, see my ears are back! But I'm so cute, look I'm laying down and smiling! How can you NOT forgive me! I'm being good, and I'm sorry! Can I have a cookie? no? Ok. Maybe later?!
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Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Hunting for food

Clark eats fast. Like SUPERMAN fast. So we've been spreading his food around on the kitchen floor to slow him down. It may seem mean, but it seriously still takes him under 5 minutes to eat his entire meal. I thinkhe enjoy the challenge.
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Monday, March 3, 2008

Mistake Monday

I missed cat Friday. So here is a bonus 2 picture Mojo Monday
Mojo had a bath yesterday but apparently wasn't clean enough and had to do some extra cleaning when he got out.
Bonus shot of Mojo licking his lips.
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