Friday, January 4, 2008

Kitty House Invasion*

*No cats were harmed in the taking of this picture.

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Thursday, January 3, 2008

Floppy Ear

Here's some vintage Clark because I'm exhausted. Back in the day Clark had one floppy ear, we dind't think it would ever pop up... But he's allll ears now.
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Wednesday, January 2, 2008


Clark is great with boundaries.... most of the time. He's not allowed upstairs, but he'll test us by putting his front paws on the bottom step. He's allowed on the couch when their is a blanket to lay on. He seems to understand this MOST of the time, but might jump up if he's exciting playing with a toy... As he gets older we throw him more physical and mental boundaries and they seems to be getting more and more challenging for us too. Letting Clark on the couch was big for me. But today we left Clark in his crate alone for a full work day for the first time. Chris left for work at 9 and I didn't get home until 5:30. It was my first day at a new job and I don't have time to come home for lunch anymore. Clark was fine, he was excited to see me and seems to have forgiven me for his long day. I'm sure it was much worse for me.
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Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year

Clark is moving full speed ahead into the new year. Today we took a trip over to Buttonwoods beach for the 15th annual New Years Day Family Swim. Only two swimmers this year... but plenty of sleet and mud for everyone.
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Monday, December 31, 2007

Year in Review

It's tough to do a Year in Review for a dog who is only six months old. It makes it a little more difficult when this dog has only lived with us for 4 of those months. How much is that in dog years?

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